29 de febrer 2012


Els alumnes de 3r i 4t d’ESO van assistir el passat 29 de febrer a la representació de l’obra de teatre en anglès, Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet:
Quan el Romeo i la Juliet es coneixen en una festa és amor a primera vista. L’únic problema serà que les seves famílies no es poden veure ni de lluny i els joves tenen prohibit relacionar-se. Aquest fet els farà canviar d’actitud? No. I com tothom sap, el clàssic de Shakespeare acabarà amb tragèdia
Set in the 60’s, the play was a modern version of Romeo and Juliet. It was performed by four actors, two of whom took on multiple roles. The set design was simple and minimalistic and the actors changed the settings for each scene themselves. The interesting thing about this was that they remained in character while the lights went out and while they changed the setting for each scene.  They also interacted with the audience which really held the attention of the audience.  The acting was good overall, although sometimes the actors did over-act. Some parts of the play were hilarious, for example, Juliet’s mother and Romeo’s best friend were played by the same actor and it was funny to see a male actor playing the character of a woman.  The language of the play was modern and easily comprehensible for majority of the audience that was present.  The play was a low budget production, yet it was carried out really well and it was a good effort.  Most students thoroughly enjoyed it and the best part is that most of them understood the language used.

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